Quote will create your own Quote or Meme with easiest way
Looking for simple quote or meme generator? Tired with others application that are difficult to use? Quote Generator is the best and easiest way to create and share your quotes or meme with the world. Quote Generator ready with some customizing options such as background colors, text colors, text size, and fonts, or you can choose your photo from sdcard to be used as background, so you can share your own quotes or meme to other friends.Built with material design, Quote Generator is a perfectly built with good design (UI) and user experience (UX).After customizing your own quote, you can save / share with the world via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - or other apps.- No AdsAdd black and white background colorNo maxlines for quotesNow can multiple line for input textFix bugsNew Icon Launcher(Next version will add new feature and change design layout)